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Showing 17–32 of 183 results
Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography
$60.00 Buy product -
Beyond the Lens of Conservation: Malagasy and Swiss Imaginations of One Another (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology)
$34.95 Buy product -
Bodies in Formation: An Ethnography of Anatomy and Surgery Education (Experimental Futures)
$26.95$24.95 Buy product -
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, a Textbook: With Exercises and Basic Grammar
$39.95$37.24 Buy product -
Bringing Fieldwork Back In: Contemporary Urban Ethnographic Research (The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Series)
$35.00 Buy product -
Cows, Kin, and Globalization: An Ethnography of Sustainability (Globalization and the Environment)
$40.00 Buy product -
Creativity and Learning in Later Life: An ethnographic study of museum education (Routledge Research in Education)
$160.00$136.00 Buy product -
Critical Autoethnography: Intersecting Cultural Identities in Everyday Life (Writing Lives: Ethnographic Narratives)
$39.95$37.26 Buy product -
Critical Ethnography in Educational Research: A Theoretical and Practical Guide (Critical Social Thought)
$61.95$56.23 Buy product -
Critical Ethnography: Method, Ethics, and Performance
$75.00$61.68 Buy product -
Critical Ethnography: Method, Ethics, and Performance
$55.00 Buy product -
Cuban Color in Tourism and La Lucha: An Ethnography of Racial Meanings (Issues of Globalization:Case Studies in Contemporary Anthropology)
$19.95$13.81 Buy product -
Cultivating Development: An Ethnography of Aid Policy and Practice (Anthropology, Culture and Society)
$35.00$29.91 Buy product -
Cultural Anthropology (3rd Edition)
$164.00$135.16 Buy product -
Cultural Anthropology: A Toolkit for a Global Age
$88.41$28.48 Buy product -
Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel
$34.00$30.95 Buy product