Ethnographic Research And Facial Reading Technology And Online Consumption Beha


(as of 02/02/2017 at 11:10 UTC)

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This book concerns how to predict customer’ emotion to judge whether how to produce or design your foods or products to sell to them successfully. I wrote this book for several reasons. I want to give my opinions to let businessmen to know how to predict consumer emotion to avoid the risk to spend excess investment to invent the new products or produce the bad taste foods or soft drinks to promote to enter to sell wrongly. I shall use three science and psychology methods to explain what suitations your products or foods can sell from online more acceptable. This book teach you how to prepare to produce your products or foods and choose which sale channels can raise your sale successfully. It concerns my three different how to use what kinds of methods to predict consumer emotion to achieve to reduce the risk to avoid to invent the new products or foods to sell unsuccessfully. First part concerns how to use face reading technology predicts consumer emotion to predict whether who is enjoyable or not enjoyable to eat sweet foods or drink soft drinking as well as how to use video camera to investigate to predict customer emotion to find what factors had attracted them to choose to buy the manufacturers’ products to use and judge whether who are enjoying or not enjoying to use these products at home. The second section concerns how to find both what the worst attributed factor(s) had influenced the consumers to be caused to decide not to choose to buy the product as well as what the best attributed factor(s) had influenced the consumers to be caused to decide to buy the product in constructive choice process. I shall indicate how manufacturers can analyze to judge whether what the best and worst attributed factor(s) are during every consumer chooses to buy which kind of product or food in constructive choice process. The final third section concerns how to judge whether the online sale channel is more suitable or is not more suitable to compare to the visiting shop sale channel to let the product manufacturers to decide to choose to concentrate on selling their products from either of these two sale channels. Moreover, I shall indicate how to solve their website weaknesses to attract customers like to visit their websites to make final purchase decision more easily. Finally, I hope manufacturers can learn how to predict consumer emotion to decide how to invent your products to sell in the correct attitude to achieve to increase client numbers and you can learn whether you ought to choose to use which method(s) to predict your clients emotion before you invent your products or manufacture which taste foods to sell.


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