What terms to use?
What terms to use? Response to comments on Kipnis, Andrew. “Governing the souls of Chinese modernity” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2): 217–238. Go to Source
Cyborg political machines: Political brokering and modern political campaigning in Colombia
Cyborg political machines: Political brokering and modern political campaigning in Colombia Colombian professional political consultants couple information technologies and local political brokering to circumvent strict voter privacy regulations that limit…
The virtualism of “capacity building” workshops in indigenous Amazonia: Ethnography in the new middle ground
The virtualism of “capacity building” workshops in indigenous Amazonia: Ethnography in the new middle ground Sustainable development and conservation NGOs in Amazonia often hold workshops in which they task indigenous…
“Wasting time” the Veratan Way: Conspicuous leisure and the value of waiting in Fiji
“Wasting time” the Veratan Way: Conspicuous leisure and the value of waiting in Fiji This article explores time as a vehicle of values in Fiji through an analysis of abundant…
Failing well: Accommodating vices in an ideal Vedic city
Failing well: Accommodating vices in an ideal Vedic city Since the early 1970s, the small town of Mayapur in West Bengal has been home to a multinational Gaudiya Vaishnava community…
Taipei Gay “Bear” Culture as a Sexual Field, or, Why Did Nanbu Bear Fail?
Taipei Gay “Bear” Culture as a Sexual Field, or, Why Did Nanbu Bear Fail? Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Exploring Social Tags in a Digitized Humanities Online Collection
Exploring Social Tags in a Digitized Humanities Online Collection Poster Download (PDF, 496KB) Abstract The recent development of Web technologies has been implemented in many applications with an emphasis on…
DARIAH-EU’s Virtual Competency Center on Research and Education
DARIAH-EU’s Virtual Competency Center on Research and Education Poster Download (PDF, ) Abstract DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts in Humanities — ) is a large-scale, long-term, pan-European endeavor…
“Where do you need us?” — The National Library in the Digital Humanities
“Where do you need us?” — The National Library in the Digital Humanities Poster Abstract In the past two decades or so, national libraries have been digitising millions of pages…
Encoding Historical Financial Records
Encoding Historical Financial Records Poster Download (PDF, 817KB) Abstract A significant number of scholars in Europe and North America are now involved in projects utilizing or encoding historical financial and…
Digitization and Dissemination: A Reverse Image Lookup Study to Assess the Reuse of Images of Paintings from the National Gallery’s Website
Digitization and Dissemination: A Reverse Image Lookup Study to Assess the Reuse of Images of Paintings from the National Gallery’s Website Poster Download (PDF, 570KB) Abstract Once digital images of…
The canon and the mushroom: Lenin, sacredness, and the Soviet collapse
The canon and the mushroom: Lenin, sacredness, and the Soviet collapse This essay focuses on a paradoxical transformation that happened within Soviet ideological discourse at the very end of perestroika,…
Sacred necropolitics
Sacred necropolitics In this meditation, Anya Bernstein and Alexei Yurchak discuss Yurchak’s essay, “The canon and the mushroom: Lenin, sacredness, and Soviet collapse,” which is published in the current issue.…
Governing the souls of Chinese modernity
Governing the souls of Chinese modernity Philippe Descola argues that human societies can be categorized by the ways in which they utilize broad assumptions about interiority and physicality, where interiority…
Recombiant analogism and naturalism
Recombiant analogism and naturalism Comment on Kipnis, Andrew. “Governing the souls of Chinese modernity” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2): 217–238. Go to Source
The limits of “ontology” and the unfinished work of “ideology”
The limits of “ontology” and the unfinished work of “ideology” Comment on Kipnis, Andrew. “Governing the souls of Chinese modernity” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2): 217–238. Go to…
Transforming the Object of our Study: The Early Modern Sermon and the Virtual Paul’s Cross Project
Transforming the Object of our Study: The Early Modern Sermon and the Virtual Paul’s Cross Project Scholars of early modern England have recently begun to pay more attention to sermons.…
Digital Ethnography Toward Augmented Empiricism: A New Methodological Framework
Digital Ethnography Toward Augmented Empiricism: A New Methodological Framework How Do Digital Technologies Deepen Ethnographic Practices? Culture takes variegated forms, including lived experiences, social interactions, memories, rituals, transactions, events, conversations,…
Code Appendix for “Digital Ethnography”
Code Appendix for “Digital Ethnography” require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' require 'geokit' include Geokit::Geocoders # intitialize agent and open page agent = # create a .txt file to save the results…
Modelling the Interpretation of Literary Allusion with Machine Learning Techniques
Modelling the Interpretation of Literary Allusion with Machine Learning Techniques Poster Download (PDF, ) Abstract A Computational Perspective on Allusion Most literary allusion, the deliberate evocation by one text of…