Prelims Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page i-xii. Go to Source
Introduction: New Directions in Educational Ethnography: Shifts, Problems, and Reconstruction
Introduction: New Directions in Educational Ethnography: Shifts, Problems, and Reconstruction Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 1-13. Go to Source
Against all Odds: The Ethnography of Hope among Haitian Youth in Difficult Circumstances
Against all Odds: The Ethnography of Hope among Haitian Youth in Difficult Circumstances Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 15-33. Abstract Drawing from ethnographic work among Haitian street youth and domestic…
Using Queer Theory to Read the Hushing of Boys’ Reading: “A Thought of a Method” of Queer Educational Ethnography
Using Queer Theory to Read the Hushing of Boys’ Reading: “A Thought of a Method” of Queer Educational Ethnography Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 35-64. Abstract This chapter explores queer…
Where Machines Rant, Recite Poems, and Take Outrageous Selfies: An Ethnography of a Teachers’ Facebook Group
Where Machines Rant, Recite Poems, and Take Outrageous Selfies: An Ethnography of a Teachers' Facebook Group Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 65-96. Abstract The author conducted an ethnography of a…
What is ethnography? Can it survive? Should it?
What is ethnography? Can it survive? Should it? Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2018, Page 1-17. Go to Source
Problematising ethnography and case study: reflections on using ethnographic techniques and researcher positioning
Problematising ethnography and case study: reflections on using ethnographic techniques and researcher positioning Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2018, Page 18-33. Go to Source
Further education sector governors as ethnographers: five case studies
Further education sector governors as ethnographers: five case studies Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2018, Page 34-51. Go to Source
Differentiation through individualisation – an ethnographic investigation of how one Swedish school creates inequality
Differentiation through individualisation – an ethnographic investigation of how one Swedish school creates inequality Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2018, Page 52-68. Go to Source
Facilitators in ambivalence
Facilitators in ambivalence Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2018, Page 69-83. Go to Source
“Confucian management” or a confused and epistemologically questionable view on Chinese management?
“Confucian management” or a confused and epistemologically questionable view on Chinese management? Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 146-158, October 2017. Purpose In the wake of the…
An ethnography of humor, ritual and defiance in a cancer care setting
An ethnography of humor, ritual and defiance in a cancer care setting Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 159-176, October 2017. Purpose Health care organizational research should…
Between change and reproduction
Between change and reproduction Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 177-189, October 2017. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of organizational space…
The significance of unforeseen events in organisational ethnographic inquiry
The significance of unforeseen events in organisational ethnographic inquiry Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 190-203, October 2017. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to emphasise…
The Absurdity of Bureaucracy: How Implementation Works
The Absurdity of Bureaucracy: How Implementation Works Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 204-206, October 2017. Go to Source
Of rants, shortcuts, and revolutions
Of rants, shortcuts, and revolutions Go to Source
Matters of method; Or, why method matters toward a not only colonial anthropology
Matters of method; Or, why method matters toward a not only colonial anthropology The following is a response to the comments on de la Cadena, Marisol. 2015. Earth beings: Ecologies…
Connections and disconnections
Connections and disconnections Comment on de la Cadena, Marisol. 2015. Earth beings: Ecologies of practice across Andean worlds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Go to Source
Methods really do matter
Methods really do matter Comment on de la Cadena, Marisol. 2015. Earth beings: Ecologies of practice across Andean worlds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Go to Source
Mistranslating relationism and absolving the market
Mistranslating relationism and absolving the market Comment on de la Cadena, Marisol. 2015. Earth beings: Ecologies of practice across Andean worlds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Go to Source