Is there a place for faith in anthropology? Religion, reason, and the ethnographer’s divine revelation
Is there a place for faith in anthropology? Religion, reason, and the ethnographer’s divine revelation Anthropological insights are not produced or constructed through reasoned discourse alone. Often they appear to…
Food in fashion modelling: Eating as an aesthetic and moral practice
Food in fashion modelling: Eating as an aesthetic and moral practice Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Embodying combat: How boxers make sense of their ‘conversations of gestures’
Embodying combat: How boxers make sense of their ‘conversations of gestures’ Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Death and dying in a Karen refugee community: An overlooked challenge in the resettlement process
Death and dying in a Karen refugee community: An overlooked challenge in the resettlement process Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
‘Getting the seat of your pants dirty’: Space and place in ethnographic educational research
‘Getting the seat of your pants dirty’: Space and place in ethnographic educational research Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Three branches of literary anthropology: Sources, styles, subject matter
Three branches of literary anthropology: Sources, styles, subject matter Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
The making of the professional criminal in Turkey
The making of the professional criminal in Turkey Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Care and reunification in a Cape Verdean family: Changing articulations of family and legal ties
Care and reunification in a Cape Verdean family: Changing articulations of family and legal ties Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Class, gender, and space: The case of affluent golf clubs in contemporary Mexico City
Class, gender, and space: The case of affluent golf clubs in contemporary Mexico City Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Emotional overlap and the analytic potential of emotions in anthropology
Emotional overlap and the analytic potential of emotions in anthropology Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Who Gets “Housing First”? Determining Eligibility in an Era of Housing First Homelessness
Who Gets “Housing First”? Determining Eligibility in an Era of Housing First Homelessness Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
The devil and the hidden life of numbers: Translations and transformations in Amazonia: The Inaugural Claude Lévi-Strauss lecture
The devil and the hidden life of numbers: Translations and transformations in Amazonia: The Inaugural Claude Lévi-Strauss lecture The notion of “aberrant derivations,” coined by Lévi-Strauss in The origin of…
Maths lessons from Amazonia
Maths lessons from Amazonia Rejoinder to Vilaça, Aparecida. 2018. “The devil and the hidden life of numbers: Translations and transformations in Amazonia.” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 8 (1): 6–19.…
Decomposing numbers
Decomposing numbers Rejoinder to Vilaça, Aparecida. 2018, “The devil and the hidden life of numbers: Translations and transformations in Amazonia.” Hau: Journal of Ethographic Theory 8 (1): 6–19 Go to…
Beginnings Go to Source
Humanism This essay offers a brief reflection on the problem of death as it has been elaborated within certain strands of humanist thought. In their attempts to come to grips…
Doing nothing: Anthropology sits at the same table with contemporary art in Lisbon and Tbilisi
Doing nothing: Anthropology sits at the same table with contemporary art in Lisbon and Tbilisi Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Theorizing race and cultural autonomy in education: An extension of differentiation and integration in Paul Willis’s Learning to Labour
Theorizing race and cultural autonomy in education: An extension of differentiation and integration in Paul Willis’s Learning to Labour Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
‘I’m a kid from the Bronx’: A reflection on the enduring contributions of Willis’s cultural production perspective in Learning to Labour
‘I’m a kid from the Bronx’: A reflection on the enduring contributions of Willis’s cultural production perspective in Learning to Labour Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
The aesthetics of the hybridization of civility: For inclusion, tolerance and an ethic of difference
The aesthetics of the hybridization of civility: For inclusion, tolerance and an ethic of difference Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source