Exploring the Implications of Culturally Relevant Teaching: Toward a Pedagogy of Liberation

Exploring the Implications of Culturally Relevant Teaching: Toward a Pedagogy of Liberation Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Schools in America may provide opportunities for upward mobility while also…
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“You’re a Sociologist, I Am Too . . . ”: Seducing the Ethnographer, Disruption, and Ambiguity in Fieldwork with (Mostly) Undocumented Youth

“You’re a Sociologist, I Am Too . . . ”: Seducing the Ethnographer, Disruption, and Ambiguity in Fieldwork with (Mostly) Undocumented Youth Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. The…
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Between Surveillance and Sousveillance: Or, Why Campus Police Feel Vulnerable Precisely Because They Gain Power

Between Surveillance and Sousveillance: Or, Why Campus Police Feel Vulnerable Precisely Because They Gain Power Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Utilizing historical and ethnographic data, this article explicates…
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Legitimising digital anthropology through immersive cohabitation: Becoming an observing participant in a blended digital landscape

Legitimising digital anthropology through immersive cohabitation: Becoming an observing participant in a blended digital landscape Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
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