Life, domesticated and undomesticated: Ghosts, sacrifice, and the efficacy of ritual practice in early China

Life, domesticated and undomesticated: Ghosts, sacrifice, and the efficacy of ritual practice in early China This article explores classical Chinese conceptions of and practices surrounding life and vitality. Focus is…
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Greek divination from an Amerindian perspective: Reconsidering “nature” in mantike

Greek divination from an Amerindian perspective: Reconsidering “nature” in mantike This article explores and reconfigures certain epistemological patterns of oracles and divination (mantike in ancient Greek), concepts of relevance in…
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The digitalia of everyday life: Multi-situated anthropology of a virtual letter by a “foreign hand”

The digitalia of everyday life: Multi-situated anthropology of a virtual letter by a “foreign hand” The article considers the transmissions and effects of a digital letter, and its implications for…
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