Video Analysis and Ethnographic Knowledge: An Empirical Study of Video Analysis Practices

Video Analysis and Ethnographic Knowledge: An Empirical Study of Video Analysis Practices Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This paper discusses the practical foundations of ethnographically informed video analysis…
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Interwar anthropology from the global periphery: Curt Nimuendajú’s correspondence with Robert Lowie and Claude Lévi-Strauss

Interwar anthropology from the global periphery: Curt Nimuendajú’s correspondence with Robert Lowie and Claude Lévi-Strauss Curt Nimuendajú (1883–1945) was a German ethnographer who became a naturalized citizen of Brazil and…
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The slip of a philosopher and the sinking of the ship: Translation, protest, and the Iranian travails of learned politics

The slip of a philosopher and the sinking of the ship: Translation, protest, and the Iranian travails of learned politics This article examines the politics of translation in Iran in…
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The selfie speaks a thousand words: Negotiating masculinity, intimacy, and sameness through the photograph in Pune

The selfie speaks a thousand words: Negotiating masculinity, intimacy, and sameness through the photograph in Pune While the selfie has come to symbolize notions of selfhood in the age of…
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