Reflecting on Hong Kong protests in 2019–2020
Reflecting on Hong Kong protests in 2019–2020 Mass protests erupted in June 2019 in Hong Kong due to widespread anger about a proposed amendment to the extradition law. As a…
Amidst backward-walking somnambulists
Amidst backward-walking somnambulists This Currents section provides accounts of Britain’s exit (Brexit) or departure from the European Union (EU)—a decision based on a closely won referendum in June 2016, and…
Brexit and the temporalities of racism in British higher education
Brexit and the temporalities of racism in British higher education Brexit has brought into visibility various strands of racist thinking and practice that have, for many years, simmered under the…
Andrew’s white cross, Hussain’s red blood: Being Scottish Shia in Brexit’s no-man’s-land
Andrew’s white cross, Hussain’s red blood: Being Scottish Shia in Brexit’s no-man’s-land Brexit was a project shaped at the fringes of official politics. Unusually, however, it maintained its fringe-like qualities,…
Hong Kong identities and the friends and enemies of recent protests
Hong Kong identities and the friends and enemies of recent protests This essay analyzes the current protests in Hong Kong from the perspective of the friends/enemies dialectic. It depicts the…
Youth political agency in Hong Kong’s 2019 antiauthoritarian protests
Youth political agency in Hong Kong’s 2019 antiauthoritarian protests The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) protests have witnessed unprecedented levels, both in terms of size and violence expressed by the…
Living between incongruous worlds in Hong Kong
Living between incongruous worlds in Hong Kong This article explores the uneasy position of Mainlanders within and in relation to the Anti-Extradition Movement amid rising anti-Mainland sentiment in Hong Kong.…
Is Mainland China the source of all of Hong Kong’s problems?
Is Mainland China the source of all of Hong Kong’s problems? In the protest movement in Hong Kong in 2019, the growing influence of Mainland China was perceived to be…
Infrastructure and its discontent: Structures of feeling in the age of Hong Kong-China dis/connection
Infrastructure and its discontent: Structures of feeling in the age of Hong Kong-China dis/connection This essay reveals that infrastructure, both transit and legal, not only facilitates exchanges across distance and…
Racial burdens, translations, and chance
Racial burdens, translations, and chance Go to Source
Black cargo: 2019 Lewis H. Morgan Lecture
Black cargo: 2019 Lewis H. Morgan Lecture Go to Source
Anthropology and world peace
Anthropology and world peace The pursuit of world peace has long been part of the telos of modern anthropology, although this may not be particularly obvious in the discipline’s teaching…
World peace in the Cold War: Anthropological contributions
World peace in the Cold War: Anthropological contributions Go to Source
On peace, self-love, and humanism
On peace, self-love, and humanism Go to Source
Scaling proximity to whiteness: Racial boundary-making on São Tomé Island
Scaling proximity to whiteness: Racial boundary-making on São Tomé Island Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In this article, I examine how scales are produced, stabilized, and challenged through communicative practices, and…
Distributing Reflexivity through Co-laborative Ethnography
Distributing Reflexivity through Co-laborative Ethnography Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In ethnographic research and analysis, reflexivity is vital to achieving constant coordination between field and concept work. However,…
Performing Gender and Political Recognition: Israeli Reform Jewish Life-cycle Rituals
Performing Gender and Political Recognition: Israeli Reform Jewish Life-cycle Rituals Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Anthropologists see life-cycle rituals as a significant way to understand gender roles and…
Material Practices of Ethnographic Presence
Material Practices of Ethnographic Presence Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Ethnographic research is a thoroughly material matter, but the involvement of material things in performing ethnographic methods is…
“Pocketing” Research Data? Ethnographic Data Production as Material Theorizing
“Pocketing” Research Data? Ethnographic Data Production as Material Theorizing Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. We analyze the relations between ethnographic data and theory through an examination of materiality…