Andrew’s white cross, Hussain’s red blood: Being Scottish Shia in Brexit’s no-man’s-land

Andrew’s white cross, Hussain’s red blood: Being Scottish Shia in Brexit’s no-man’s-land Brexit was a project shaped at the fringes of official politics. Unusually, however, it maintained its fringe-like qualities,…
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Infrastructure and its discontent: Structures of feeling in the age of Hong Kong-China dis/connection

Infrastructure and its discontent: Structures of feeling in the age of Hong Kong-China dis/connection This essay reveals that infrastructure, both transit and legal, not only facilitates exchanges across distance and…
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Performing Gender and Political Recognition: Israeli Reform Jewish Life-cycle Rituals

Performing Gender and Political Recognition: Israeli Reform Jewish Life-cycle Rituals Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Anthropologists see life-cycle rituals as a significant way to understand gender roles and…
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“Pocketing” Research Data? Ethnographic Data Production as Material Theorizing

“Pocketing” Research Data? Ethnographic Data Production as Material Theorizing Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. We analyze the relations between ethnographic data and theory through an examination of materiality…
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