“I was at the right place at the right time”: The neglected role of happenstance in the lives of people and institutions

“I was at the right place at the right time”: The neglected role of happenstance in the lives of people and institutions This paper presents coproduced ethnographic material concerning the…
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Invaluable enmeshments in pedagogy: An autoethnography of an anthropologist in the classroom

Invaluable enmeshments in pedagogy: An autoethnography of an anthropologist in the classroom This article explores the enmeshments and vulnerabilities that emerge in undergraduate courses on gender and sexuality. In these…
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Making Food Manageable – Packaging as a Code of Practice for Work Practices at the Supermarket

Making Food Manageable – Packaging as a Code of Practice for Work Practices at the Supermarket Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. While packaging-free stores are in the uptake,…
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Lebensphilosophie and the revolution in anthropology: Uncovering the original “turn to life”

Lebensphilosophie and the revolution in anthropology: Uncovering the original “turn to life” In two recent themed collections in this publication, numerous contributors have explored the term and concept of “life”…
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Viktor Shklovsky, Bronislaw Malinowski, and the invention of a narrative device: Implications for a history of ethnographic theory

Viktor Shklovsky, Bronislaw Malinowski, and the invention of a narrative device: Implications for a history of ethnographic theory The advent of Malinowski’s ethnographic theory is inscribed in a wider modernist…
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Missionary conversions: How missionary encounters pushed fundamentalists towards evangelicalism

Missionary conversions: How missionary encounters pushed fundamentalists towards evangelicalism Missionary encounters stimulate cultural change, although not always in ways one might expect. Throughout the mid-twentieth century, among missionaries from the…
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Searching for the new human: Glacier melt, anthropogenic change, and self-reflection in Andean pilgrimage

Searching for the new human: Glacier melt, anthropogenic change, and self-reflection in Andean pilgrimage Arguing in favor of anthropology’s humanity-centered research tradition, this article examines how the encounter with human…
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“We got citizenship but nothing else”: Love, (be)longing, and betrayal in the context of India’s citizenship regime

“We got citizenship but nothing else”: Love, (be)longing, and betrayal in the context of India’s citizenship regime While recent amendments to India’s Citizenship Act are designed to exclude Muslims from…
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Hindu majoritarianism, forms of capital, and urban politics: The making of a new ordinary citizen in India

Hindu majoritarianism, forms of capital, and urban politics: The making of a new ordinary citizen in India This article explores the remaking of ideas of the “ordinary citizen” in India…
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