‘Lean on me’: Sifarish, mediation & the digitisation of state bureaucracies in India
‘Lean on me': Sifarish, mediation & the digitisation of state bureaucracies in India Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Through an ethnographic focus on Muslim neighbourhoods in a North Indian city, this…
“The African family is large, very large” mobility and the flexibility of kinship – examples from Cameroon
“The African family is large, very large” mobility and the flexibility of kinship – examples from Cameroon Ethnography, Ahead of Print. When I started fieldwork among the Maka in SE…
Migration, mobility and the dynamics of kinship: New barriers, new assemblages
Migration, mobility and the dynamics of kinship: New barriers, new assemblages Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Although kinship has long since been established as a topic in migration research, migration scholars…
Labour of love: Secrecy and kinship among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch in The Netherlands
Labour of love: Secrecy and kinship among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch in The Netherlands Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This paper examines the productive role of secrecy in the nexus of transnational…
The merits of context: Unfolding mental vulnerability as category and experience
The merits of context: Unfolding mental vulnerability as category and experience Ethnography, Ahead of Print. ‘Mentally vulnerable’ young people are a strong focal point in public debate and policy in…
Navigating the ‘field’: Reflexivity, uncertainties, and negotiation along the border of Bangladesh and India
Navigating the ‘field’: Reflexivity, uncertainties, and negotiation along the border of Bangladesh and India Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Drawing on a fourteen-month ethnographic fieldwork experience along the border of Bangladesh…
“You’ve got to have core muscles”: Cultivating hardworking bodies among white-collar women in urban China
“You’ve got to have core muscles”: Cultivating hardworking bodies among white-collar women in urban China Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork on young white-collar women training bodies after…
Review of Jens Kjaerulff. “Situating time: New technologies at work, a perspective from Alfred Gell’s oeuvre”
Review of Jens Kjaerulff. “Situating time: New technologies at work, a perspective from Alfred Gell’s oeuvre” Go to Source
Hesiod’s Theogony and analogist cosmogonies
Hesiod’s Theogony and analogist cosmogonies Philippe Descola’s work on ontologies has created new possibilities for exploring the rich connections between creation myths and their ontological underpinnings. This has proven fruitful…
Constructing cosmoscapes: Cosmological currents in conversation and contestation in contemporary Bolivia
Constructing cosmoscapes: Cosmological currents in conversation and contestation in contemporary Bolivia This article explores how cosmological currents contest and converse with one another to compose a shifting “cosmoscape” in Kaata,…
Ghost twitter in Indigenous Australia: Sentience, agency, and ontological difference
Ghost twitter in Indigenous Australia: Sentience, agency, and ontological difference By distinguishing between attributions of sentience and agency we begin to take crucial analytical steps to consider ontological and cosmological…
Situating time: New technologies at work, a perspective from Alfred Gell’s oeuvre
Situating time: New technologies at work, a perspective from Alfred Gell’s oeuvre A scholarship on “time” has emerged that pays attention to the ways contemporary economic life and information technology…
A timely encounter and a loss
A timely encounter and a loss Go to Source
Italy as a national luxury brand for Chinese consumers: Global promotion and identity discontent
Italy as a national luxury brand for Chinese consumers: Global promotion and identity discontent Italy has emerged as a leading producer of luxury goods on the international stage, while China…
The spaces of luxury in global cities: The consumption and appropriation of São Paulo’s upscale malls by the elite and the poor
The spaces of luxury in global cities: The consumption and appropriation of São Paulo’s upscale malls by the elite and the poor According to Arjun Appadurai (1996), global flows are…
Free AccessNobodies and somebodies: Power, bureaucracy, and citizenship in a London rehousing hub
Free AccessNobodies and somebodies: Power, bureaucracy, and citizenship in a London rehousing hub This article draws on ethnographic research to examine the bureaucratic matrix of temporal, material, and legal scales…
The alienating inalienable: Rethinking Annette Weiner’s concept of inalienable wealth through Japan’s “sleeping kimono”
The alienating inalienable: Rethinking Annette Weiner’s concept of inalienable wealth through Japan’s “sleeping kimono” Based on twelve months of ethnographic fieldwork in Japan, this article focuses on collections of gifted…
Experiencing presence: An interactive model of perception
Experiencing presence: An interactive model of perception This essay brings literature in experimental psychology and visual perception into conversation with psychological anthropology to propose a new theory of presence. We…
Hybrid warfare in Brazil: The highest stage of the military insurgency
Hybrid warfare in Brazil: The highest stage of the military insurgency Since 2013, Brazil has undergone various moments of political turbulence, ultimately culminating in the seizure of power by the…
When ethics runs counter to morals
When ethics runs counter to morals In the present conjuncture, Brazilian social anthropologists are facing a major challenge to their work. I suggest that this happens because of anthropology’s central…