Navigating the ‘field’: Reflexivity, uncertainties, and negotiation along the border of Bangladesh and India

Navigating the ‘field’: Reflexivity, uncertainties, and negotiation along the border of Bangladesh and India Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Drawing on a fourteen-month ethnographic fieldwork experience along the border of Bangladesh…
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“You’ve got to have core muscles”: Cultivating hardworking bodies among white-collar women in urban China

“You’ve got to have core muscles”: Cultivating hardworking bodies among white-collar women in urban China Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork on young white-collar women training bodies after…
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Constructing cosmoscapes: Cosmological currents in conversation and contestation in contemporary Bolivia

Constructing cosmoscapes: Cosmological currents in conversation and contestation in contemporary Bolivia This article explores how cosmological currents contest and converse with one another to compose a shifting “cosmoscape” in Kaata,…
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Ghost twitter in Indigenous Australia: Sentience, agency, and ontological difference

Ghost twitter in Indigenous Australia: Sentience, agency, and ontological difference By distinguishing between attributions of sentience and agency we begin to take crucial analytical steps to consider ontological and cosmological…
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The spaces of luxury in global cities: The consumption and appropriation of São Paulo’s upscale malls by the elite and the poor

The spaces of luxury in global cities: The consumption and appropriation of São Paulo’s upscale malls by the elite and the poor According to Arjun Appadurai (1996), global flows are…
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Free AccessNobodies and somebodies: Power, bureaucracy, and citizenship in a London rehousing hub

Free AccessNobodies and somebodies: Power, bureaucracy, and citizenship in a London rehousing hub This article draws on ethnographic research to examine the bureaucratic matrix of temporal, material, and legal scales…
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The alienating inalienable: Rethinking Annette Weiner’s concept of inalienable wealth through Japan’s “sleeping kimono”

The alienating inalienable: Rethinking Annette Weiner’s concept of inalienable wealth through Japan’s “sleeping kimono” Based on twelve months of ethnographic fieldwork in Japan, this article focuses on collections of gifted…
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