More Bread Less Circus
More Bread Less Circus Ethnography, Volume 22, Issue 2, Page 154-163, June 2021. Go to Source
“Like Stitches to a Wound”: Fashioning Taste in and Through Garment Mending Practices
“Like Stitches to a Wound”: Fashioning Taste in and Through Garment Mending Practices Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article immerses the reader into the world of garment…
Vulnerable Research: Competencies for Trauma and Justice-Informed Ethnography
Vulnerable Research: Competencies for Trauma and Justice-Informed Ethnography Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Ethnographers often work with individuals who are physically, psychologically, spiritually, and/or structurally vulnerable. The article…
“A Program, Not the Projects”: Reentry in the Post-Public Housing Era
“A Program, Not the Projects”: Reentry in the Post-Public Housing Era Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Prisoner reentry is widely recognized as a hybrid project of poverty governance…
Interest, politics and drift in policy implementation: The case of trafficking prevention measures in Brazil
Interest, politics and drift in policy implementation: The case of trafficking prevention measures in Brazil Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article scrutinizes the anti-trafficking efforts that the PT Government in…
Understanding the Quiet Times: The Role of Periods of “Nothing Much Happening” in Police Work
Understanding the Quiet Times: The Role of Periods of “Nothing Much Happening” in Police Work Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Much media and academic representations of police work…
Shock Troops and Shock Absorbers: IT Support and Emotional Labor in the Rationalizing University
Shock Troops and Shock Absorbers: IT Support and Emotional Labor in the Rationalizing University Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Drawing on 200 hours of observation at The Help…
Sensoriality, Social Interaction, and “Doing sensing” in Physical–Cultural Ethnographies
Sensoriality, Social Interaction, and “Doing sensing” in Physical–Cultural Ethnographies Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. As recently highlighted, despite a burgeoning field of sensory ethnography, the practices, production, and…
Interaction Rituals and Sexual Commerce in Thailand’s Erotic Bars
Interaction Rituals and Sexual Commerce in Thailand’s Erotic Bars Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article explores bar prostitution as a distinct sexual arena. Drawing on fieldwork in…
I said, they said: The ethnographic backstage and the politics of producing engaged anthropology
I said, they said: The ethnographic backstage and the politics of producing engaged anthropology Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Two commonly articulated goals of engaged anthropology include: 1) creating equal power…