Reflexive collaboration: Building pluri-ethnographic partnerships in an Ecuadorian bank

Reflexive collaboration: Building pluri-ethnographic partnerships in an Ecuadorian bank Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article illustrates the value of reflexive dialogue regarding foundational assumptions about ontologies of culture and cultural…
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The (un)celebrated asylum centre: How Danish media hijacked an ethnographic fieldwork and altered local realities

The (un)celebrated asylum centre: How Danish media hijacked an ethnographic fieldwork and altered local realities Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Denmark’s oldest asylum centre has been in operation in the small…
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Building community through hospitality: Indirect obligations to reciprocate in a transnational speech community

Building community through hospitality: Indirect obligations to reciprocate in a transnational speech community Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Anthropologists largely draw on the theoretical assumption that the interactional practices underlying hospitality…
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