Some Methodological Insights from a Reflexive “Insider” Ethnography of Shiatsu Practice

Some Methodological Insights from a Reflexive “Insider” Ethnography of Shiatsu Practice Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Presented as a collaborative reflexive account, this article has evolved through a…
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Inside, Outside, Upside Down: Power, Positionality, and Limits of Ethnic Identity in the Ethnographies of the Far-Right

Inside, Outside, Upside Down: Power, Positionality, and Limits of Ethnic Identity in the Ethnographies of the Far-Right Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Methodological literature on ethnographies of the…
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Everyday Ritual and Ethnographic Practice: Two Cases Showing the Importance of Embodiment and Reflexivity

Everyday Ritual and Ethnographic Practice: Two Cases Showing the Importance of Embodiment and Reflexivity Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Moments of ritual reveal symbolic meanings, reinforce boundaries of…
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