All-encompassing ethnographies: Strategies for feminist and equity-oriented institutional research

All-encompassing ethnographies: Strategies for feminist and equity-oriented institutional research Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article addresses the challenges inherent to conducting ethnography in all-encompassing institutions and presents strategies for equity-oriented…
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Comparative urbanism and collective methodologies: Restoration projects in West Bengal and South East London

Comparative urbanism and collective methodologies: Restoration projects in West Bengal and South East London Asking who gets to compare, this paper advocates inclusive research methodologies through a discussion of comparison…
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The psychedelic ritual as a technique of the self: Identity reconfiguration and narrative reframing in the therapeutic efficacy of ayahuasca

The psychedelic ritual as a technique of the self: Identity reconfiguration and narrative reframing in the therapeutic efficacy of ayahuasca Although so-called “psychedelic” substances have recently experienced a revival of…
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Heathen hermeneutics: Or, radical “radical interpretation”

Heathen hermeneutics: Or, radical “radical interpretation” Translation—both multi- and intra-lingual—is vital to anthropological method. Drawing a distinction between two opposing modes of translation (“domesticating” versus “foreignizing”), this paper considers the…
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Fateful rite of passage: Charismatic ratification of elite merit in China’s National College Entrance Exam

Fateful rite of passage: Charismatic ratification of elite merit in China’s National College Entrance Exam This article argues that China’s National College Entrance Exam, the Gaokao, provides routinized charismatic ratification…
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