Introduction: The politics of negative affects in post-Reform China
Introduction: The politics of negative affects in post-Reform China If there is such a thing as a dominant public sphere in post-reform China, its emotional tonality has often been described…
Troubling emotions in China’s psy-boom
Troubling emotions in China’s psy-boom The rise of psychological counseling, 心理咨询, as part of China’s unfolding psy-boom has brought with it a new discourse of distress. In particular, this article…
Energy and the ethnography of everyday life: A methodology for a world that matters
Energy and the ethnography of everyday life: A methodology for a world that matters Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Ecological sustainability is identified as one of the greatest challenges of the…
“I’m a Million Times More Confident Now”: Body Dissatisfaction, Body Projects, and Self-Concept Repair
“I’m a Million Times More Confident Now”: Body Dissatisfaction, Body Projects, and Self-Concept Repair Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This research examines how feelings of body dissatisfaction arise,…
Assemblage Thinking in Lockdown: An Autoethnographic Approach
Assemblage Thinking in Lockdown: An Autoethnographic Approach Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Over the past year, COVID-19 and the restrictions imposed in its wake have meant that a…