The logic of magic: Reading Wittgenstein’s remarks on Frazer’s The golden bough
The logic of magic: Reading Wittgenstein’s remarks on Frazer’s The golden bough This article centers on a close reading of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer’s The golden bough, showing how…
Home as a second skin: A contribution to a theory of magic (of tidying)
Home as a second skin: A contribution to a theory of magic (of tidying) In this article, I describe a “magical” dimension in the work of home organizers (HOs) in…
The sacred unbound: Insufficient rituals, excess life, and divine agency in rural Tamil Nadu
The sacred unbound: Insufficient rituals, excess life, and divine agency in rural Tamil Nadu Dissonances between human expectations and actual experiences of sacred presence and actions—as materialized in unexplained deaths,…
In the Saunas I’m Either Invisible or Camouflaged: Colonial Fantasies and Imaginations in Sydney’s Gay Saunas
In the Saunas I’m Either Invisible or Camouflaged: Colonial Fantasies and Imaginations in Sydney’s Gay Saunas Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. I analyze racism in Sydney’s gay sauna…
I am anthropologist – But where is the field? On fieldwork, intimacy, and home
I am anthropologist – But where is the field? On fieldwork, intimacy, and home Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article was prompted by a question: how can one be anthropologist…
Close quarters. Sailing the murky waters of an ethnography ‘at-home’
Close quarters. Sailing the murky waters of an ethnography ‘at-home’ Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This paper examines the tensions, struggles, and opportunities of doing ethnographies ‘at-home’. For the purpose of…