Diaspora as home: The global community of Ahmadiyya Muslims
Diaspora as home: The global community of Ahmadiyya Muslims The spiritual home of Ahmadiyya Muslims and physical home of their leader has moved from India to Pakistan to London in…
Movements and margins
Movements and margins Go to Source
A home in the hicret: Morality, domestic space and belonging in a Turkish Muslim community in Brazil
A home in the hicret: Morality, domestic space and belonging in a Turkish Muslim community in Brazil This article focuses on home-making practices in a Turkish Muslim community in Brazil.…
Movement, faith, and home in Muslim communities in the diaspora (Part 2)
Movement, faith, and home in Muslim communities in the diaspora (Part 2) This is the introduction to the second part of a special section that spans two issues of Hau…
Defetishizing money: Perspectives from economic anthropology: Gudeman Lecture, University of Minnesota, March 20, 2023
Defetishizing money: Perspectives from economic anthropology: Gudeman Lecture, University of Minnesota, March 20, 2023 Following up on Steve Gudeman’s insight that economic categories are fundamentally cultural, this lecture juxtaposes different…
Reclaiming of the heritage name by Peranakan Chinese in the Netherlands and their sense of belonging
Reclaiming of the heritage name by Peranakan Chinese in the Netherlands and their sense of belonging Reclaiming of the heritage name by Peranakan Chinese in the Netherlands and their sense of belongingMay Ling Thio, Linawati SidartoJournal of Organizational…
My Cigarette Wife and Other Queer Tales of Kinship from Tunisia’s Contemporary Public Art Scene
My Cigarette Wife and Other Queer Tales of Kinship from Tunisia’s Contemporary Public Art Scene Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article explores the contradictions and political possibilities…
Urban gardens as inclusive green living rooms? Gardening activities in Gothenburg, across and within social divides
Urban gardens as inclusive green living rooms? Gardening activities in Gothenburg, across and within social divides Urban gardens as inclusive green living rooms? Gardening activities in Gothenburg, across and within…
Problematising Aspirations, Transformations, and Societal Expectations: Revisioning Academic Success and Wellbeing Through Cross-Cultural Autoethnographic Exploration
Problematising Aspirations, Transformations, and Societal Expectations: Revisioning Academic Success and Wellbeing Through Cross-Cultural Autoethnographic Exploration Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Having aspirations and goals to strive for provides…
Re-name the Streets. Toponymic Struggles and Civic Belonging in Murcia (Spain) and Johannesburg (South Africa)
Re-name the Streets. Toponymic Struggles and Civic Belonging in Murcia (Spain) and Johannesburg (South Africa) Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Toponymic struggles are about forms of civic belonging that street names…
Engaging in Postconflict Violence: Militant Trajectories of Young Republican Paramilitaries in Northern Ireland
Engaging in Postconflict Violence: Militant Trajectories of Young Republican Paramilitaries in Northern Ireland Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article is based on an ethnographic study of young…
Utilizing Ethnographical Approaches to Study the Abstract, Intimate, and Dynamic Topic of Trust
Utilizing Ethnographical Approaches to Study the Abstract, Intimate, and Dynamic Topic of Trust Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. There is an increased need to acquire a more holistic…
The Show Must Go On! An Autoethnography of (Re)socialization into Senior Policing in England and the Prominence of “Leadership Theatre”
The Show Must Go On! An Autoethnography of (Re)socialization into Senior Policing in England and the Prominence of “Leadership Theatre” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This unique autoethnographical…
The Dilemma of Consumerist Masculinity in Capitalist West Africa: Men Navigating Gender, Class, and Romance in Sierra Leone’s Informal Economy
The Dilemma of Consumerist Masculinity in Capitalist West Africa: Men Navigating Gender, Class, and Romance in Sierra Leone’s Informal Economy Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In urban Sierra…
The Making of Everyday Space of Publicness: Insights from a Mall in Beijing
The Making of Everyday Space of Publicness: Insights from a Mall in Beijing Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. The rise of malls in China raises questions about their…
“We Have Two Engines, and We Must Keep Them Both Running”: The Combination of Institutional and Symbolic Resources in the “Socio-Emotional Organizing” of Solo Self-Employed Workers
“We Have Two Engines, and We Must Keep Them Both Running”: The Combination of Institutional and Symbolic Resources in the “Socio-Emotional Organizing” of Solo Self-Employed Workers Journal of Contemporary Ethnography,…
Studying ‘closed’ workplaces: ‘Embedded-actualised’ ethnography and reflections on ‘embeddedness’ from the remote UK oilfields
Studying ‘closed’ workplaces: ‘Embedded-actualised’ ethnography and reflections on ‘embeddedness’ from the remote UK oilfields Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Energy-ethnographies of ‘closed’ workplaces detail practices for achieving robust, authentic research. However,…
When fieldwork is forbidden: Ontological dilemmas, subjectivity and moral imperatives as constraints in the field
When fieldwork is forbidden: Ontological dilemmas, subjectivity and moral imperatives as constraints in the field Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Undertaking fieldwork in a remote location with limited health care and…
Organizational value streams as multiteam systems: an ethnographic case study
Organizational value streams as multiteam systems: an ethnographic case study Organizational value streams as multiteam systems: an ethnographic case studyErik Eduard Cremers, Petru Lucian CurșeuJournal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, paper aims…
Killed For Good: Hunters, Biologists, and the Ethical Paradoxes of Wildlife Management in North America
Killed For Good: Hunters, Biologists, and the Ethical Paradoxes of Wildlife Management in North America Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Built over the 20th century, the North American…