Tales from the (disrupted) field: Contemplating interruptions, disruptions, and ethnography amidst a pandemic
Tales from the (disrupted) field: Contemplating interruptions, disruptions, and ethnography amidst a pandemic Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Many ethnographers had to reconceptualize or withdraw from their fieldwork due to COVID-19.…
A relational approach to the ethnographic study of power in the context of the city of London
A relational approach to the ethnographic study of power in the context of the city of London Ethnography, Ahead of Print. The immersive ethnographic tradition has strong potential to contribute…
Hybrid ethnography: Access, positioning, and data assembly
Hybrid ethnography: Access, positioning, and data assembly Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This research suggests three ways in which hybrid ethnography can be used to overcome the shortcomings of single-realm ethnography,…
Emotion and othering in a contaminated community
Emotion and othering in a contaminated community Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article focuses on community responses to residential toxic exposure in eastern Sandusky County, Ohio, where 35 children were…
Transnational giving between Shikoku, Japan and Burma/ Myanmar: From memorializing One’s dead to humanitarianism with peace and war reflections
Transnational giving between Shikoku, Japan and Burma/ Myanmar: From memorializing One’s dead to humanitarianism with peace and war reflections Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Bagan, Myanmar (formerly Burma) is famous for…
Autonomous care? Muslim transnational giving networks and perceptions of welfare responsibilities in India
Autonomous care? Muslim transnational giving networks and perceptions of welfare responsibilities in India Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In Uttar Pradesh, many middle-class Muslims increasingly view local and transnational religious giving…
Humanitarian Sovereignty, Exceptional Muslims, and the Transnational Making of Kuwaiti Citizens
Humanitarian Sovereignty, Exceptional Muslims, and the Transnational Making of Kuwaiti Citizens Ethnography, Ahead of Print. What is the role of transnational non-state philanthropic actors in the Kuwaiti humanitarian mission abroad?…
A uniform front?: Power and front-line worker variation in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya
A uniform front?: Power and front-line worker variation in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Front-line workers, or street-level bureaucrats, who interact directly with clients, have significant discretion…
No one is self-made: Evolving iterations of giving and shaping of transnational Kamma caste subjectivities
No one is self-made: Evolving iterations of giving and shaping of transnational Kamma caste subjectivities Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article focuses on the transnational giving practices of Kammas (a…
A Chinese woman’s journey to the “west”: Ethnographic knowledge production amid ambiguous power dynamics
A Chinese woman’s journey to the “west”: Ethnographic knowledge production amid ambiguous power dynamics Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article is a reflexive critique from a female Chinese anthropologist who…
Transnational Giving and Evolving Religious, Ethnic and Political Formations in the Global South
Transnational Giving and Evolving Religious, Ethnic and Political Formations in the Global South Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Conceptualising giving as a broad category encompassing philanthropy, charity, humanitarian aid and gifts,…
Kin, friends, philanthronationalists: “Relations” as a modality of colonial and post-colonial charity in Sri Lanka
Kin, friends, philanthronationalists: “Relations” as a modality of colonial and post-colonial charity in Sri Lanka Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Through an historical ethnographic analysis of Sri Lanka’s oldest charity, the…
Trusts on the monsoon winds: Parsi transnational religious philanthropy
Trusts on the monsoon winds: Parsi transnational religious philanthropy Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Trade brought the Parsis to Hong Kong and a small group remained and settled after the British…
Giving and belonging: Religious networks of Sub-Saharan African Muslims in Guangzhou, China
Giving and belonging: Religious networks of Sub-Saharan African Muslims in Guangzhou, China Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This paper presents empirical data on how religious giving structures African Muslims’ transnational lives…
Slow violence, depoliticisation and hope: Cultural landscapes of schooling in Wentworth, South Africa
Slow violence, depoliticisation and hope: Cultural landscapes of schooling in Wentworth, South Africa Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This ethnographic study of environmental learning in a South African township school unravels…
Men in aprons versus men in suits: Reshaping masculinities within a Japanese nonprofit promoting fatherhood
Men in aprons versus men in suits: Reshaping masculinities within a Japanese nonprofit promoting fatherhood Ethnography, Ahead of Print. One of the most influential nonprofit organizations in Japan’s contemporary parenting…
The Halfie Predicament in the Ethnography of Religion: Fieldwork with Iranian-Americana Muslim Women in Los Angeles
The Halfie Predicament in the Ethnography of Religion: Fieldwork with Iranian-Americana Muslim Women in Los Angeles Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article draws from fieldwork with Iranian-American Muslim women in…
Jala Role: Normative Practice of Collaborative Ethnography in a Hostile Research Frontier, South Omo, Ethiopia
Jala Role: Normative Practice of Collaborative Ethnography in a Hostile Research Frontier, South Omo, Ethiopia Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article outlines the significance of a normative social and cultural…
Being crime: Youth violence and criminal identities in Bahia, Brazil
Being crime: Youth violence and criminal identities in Bahia, Brazil Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In Brazil, a growing number of young citizens from the socioeconomic periphery embark on a career…
Effort in absence: Technologically mediated aesthetic experiences of the culture industries’ routine workers
Effort in absence: Technologically mediated aesthetic experiences of the culture industries’ routine workers Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In this article, I draw upon 20 months of participant observation to compare the…