Backstage at the Barristers’ Case Conference: A Dramaturgical Analysis
Backstage at the Barristers’ Case Conference: A Dramaturgical Analysis Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Socio-legal ethnographies have focused largely on the dramaturgical themes present in the competing performances…
Disclosing Otherness: Situated Knowledges and the Politics of Ethnographic Approaches to the #WeAreNotWaiting Movement in Type 1 Diabetes and Beyond
Disclosing Otherness: Situated Knowledges and the Politics of Ethnographic Approaches to the #WeAreNotWaiting Movement in Type 1 Diabetes and Beyond Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. In this article,…
Techno-Social Experiences of Privacy and Intimacy in College Culture
Techno-Social Experiences of Privacy and Intimacy in College Culture Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This work considers the contemporary intersections of intimacy, technology, and privacy among college students…
Purge the Evil From Your Midst: Material Cancel Culture Among Religiously Observant Jews
Purge the Evil From Your Midst: Material Cancel Culture Among Religiously Observant Jews Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article explores cancel culture as a material endeavor on…
Somewhere Between a Stopwatch and a Recording Device: Ethnographic Reflections From the Pool
Somewhere Between a Stopwatch and a Recording Device: Ethnographic Reflections From the Pool Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. As has recently been highlighted, despite the prevalence of methodological…
Counteracting Stigma-Power: An Ethnographic Case Study of an Independent Community Food Hub
Counteracting Stigma-Power: An Ethnographic Case Study of an Independent Community Food Hub Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. The need for emergency food aid is increasing across the United…
Erving Goffman: The Social Science Maverick. Assessing the Interdisciplinary Impact of the Most Cited American Sociologist
Erving Goffman: The Social Science Maverick. Assessing the Interdisciplinary Impact of the Most Cited American Sociologist Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Erving Goffman has a reputation as an…
Constructing Selves in (Im)mobility: Greek Women’s Narratives Concerning the COVID-19 Lockdowns in Athens, Greece
Constructing Selves in (Im)mobility: Greek Women’s Narratives Concerning the COVID-19 Lockdowns in Athens, Greece Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. The present article examines women’s narratives concerning the COVID-19…
“A Population at Risk”: Ageism Toward Elders During the COVID-19 Era in Israel
“A Population at Risk”: Ageism Toward Elders During the COVID-19 Era in Israel Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. The article focuses on ageism during COVID-19 lockdowns. It is…
In the Saunas I’m Either Invisible or Camouflaged: Colonial Fantasies and Imaginations in Sydney’s Gay Saunas
In the Saunas I’m Either Invisible or Camouflaged: Colonial Fantasies and Imaginations in Sydney’s Gay Saunas Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. I analyze racism in Sydney’s gay sauna…
The Janus Face of Organizational Knowing
The Janus Face of Organizational Knowing Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article challenges our current understanding of the role of knowing for organizational participation by discussing how,…
Vulnerability-Making at Europe’s Edge: How Policies, Documents, and Spatiality Intra-Act in the Context of Young Refugees
Vulnerability-Making at Europe’s Edge: How Policies, Documents, and Spatiality Intra-Act in the Context of Young Refugees Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. When young refugees who arrive in the…
Inside American End-of-Life Doula Trainings through Analytic Autoethnography: A Social Movement for Death Positivity Manifests in a New Profession
Inside American End-of-Life Doula Trainings through Analytic Autoethnography: A Social Movement for Death Positivity Manifests in a New Profession Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. End-of-life doulas (EOLDs) represent…
“SHE CAN GET A VISA”: How Nationality and Class Shape Decision Making at a Kenyan NGO
“SHE CAN GET A VISA”: How Nationality and Class Shape Decision Making at a Kenyan NGO Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Prior studies show how race, class, and…
Music for Mental Health: An Autoethnography of the Rory Gallagher Instagram Fan Community
Music for Mental Health: An Autoethnography of the Rory Gallagher Instagram Fan Community Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there has been a major…
It’s Understandable If It Destroys You, Right?—Grades, Students’ Self-Images, and Quantification
It’s Understandable If It Destroys You, Right?—Grades, Students’ Self-Images, and Quantification Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Human life is increasingly quantified. From blood pressure to body mass index,…
Helping Mom Die: An Auto-ethnographic Account of Preparing for Death
Helping Mom Die: An Auto-ethnographic Account of Preparing for Death Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article is about a journey that I took with my mother as…
Weeding Out the Weak: Labor, Gender, and Disability in a U.S. Fossil Fuel Boomtown
Weeding Out the Weak: Labor, Gender, and Disability in a Fossil Fuel Boomtown Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. COVID-19 has radically reshaped the labor dreams of many workers.…
Addressing the Methodological Challenges that Cloaked Profiles Pose to Digital Observations
Addressing the Methodological Challenges that Cloaked Profiles Pose to Digital Observations Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Although digital ethnographic studies concerned with online misinformation have focused on analyzing…
Mujeres Guerreras: Negotiating Women’s Empowerment in Colombia
Mujeres Guerreras: Negotiating Women’s Empowerment in Colombia Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This research is based on nine months of ethnographic fieldwork with a formalized youth hip-hop organization…