Vital infrastructures
Vital infrastructures Go to Source
after the human
after the human Go to Source
Being multiversed in the multiverse
Being multiversed in the multiverse Go to Source
Who defines the new? A plea for ethnographic humility
Who defines the new? A plea for ethnographic humility Go to Source
Pandora’s box
Pandora’s box Go to Source
?-graphy Go to Source
Epilogue and the way ahead
Epilogue and the way ahead Go to Source
Turning to ontology in studies of distant sciences
Turning to ontology in studies of distant sciences Drawing on contributions to the conference Science in the Forest, Science in the Past, and on exemplary works of Annemarie Mol and…
CryptoAnthropology: Mining for theory in After ethnos
CryptoAnthropology: Mining for theory in After ethnos Go to Source
Anthropology with lift-off
Anthropology with lift-off Go to Source
Antidomestication in the Amazon: Swidden and its foes
Antidomestication in the Amazon: Swidden and its foes John Locke never acknowledged the existence of any agriculture and hence of property in the Americas. Yet, one can say that in…
Shedding light on diverse cultures of mathematical practices in South Asia: Early Sanskrit mathematical texts in conversation with modern elementary Tamil mathematical curricula (in dialogue with Senthil Babu)
Shedding light on diverse cultures of mathematical practices in South Asia: Early Sanskrit mathematical texts in conversation with modern elementary Tamil mathematical curricula (in dialogue with Senthil Babu) Discourses promoting…
Rhetorical antinomies and radical othering: Recent reflections on responses to an old paper concerning human-animal relations in Amazonia
Rhetorical antinomies and radical othering: Recent reflections on responses to an old paper concerning human-animal relations in Amazonia Notions of animals as social subjects held by Amazonian Indians have played…
Modeling, ontology and wild thought: Toward an anthropology of the artificially intelligent
Modeling, ontology and wild thought: Toward an anthropology of the artificially intelligent The question at the heart of this essay begins with a curious mid-twentieth-century co-occurrence in the Anglo-American world:…
Objective functions: (In)humanity and inequity in artificial intelligence
Objective functions: (In)humanity and inequity in artificial intelligence It is hard to say which is more satisfying: the discovery of order in the material world (science), or the imposition of…
Is there mathematics in the forest?
Is there mathematics in the forest? Scholars from different fields and epistemological orientations —including anthropologists, science historians, and mathematicians—have argued that technical and social practices of indigenous peoples, exemplified by…
Mathematical traditions in Ancient Greece and Rome
Mathematical traditions in Ancient Greece and Rome There were different ways of doing mathematics in the ancient Greek and Roman world. This essay will explore historiographical approaches to this diversity,…
A clash of ontologies? Time, law, and science in Papua New Guinea
A clash of ontologies? Time, law, and science in Papua New Guinea Stimulated by recent discussions of temporality, this essay is about abrupt transitions. What is happening when such transitions…
Inventing nature: Christianity and science in indigenous Amazonia
Inventing nature: Christianity and science in indigenous Amazonia Based on long-term ethnographic research among the Wari’ Indians from Amazonia, this essay aims to analyze the ontological and moral changes related…
Different clusters of text from ancient China, different mathematical ontologies
Different clusters of text from ancient China, different mathematical ontologies Sources attesting to mathematical activities in ancient China form at least four distinct clusters of texts, bespeaking at least four…