Going Meta on Metadata
Going Meta on Metadata I once joked to an archivist that all I really do as a historian is add meta-metadata to the archival database. What I meant was that…
Provenance Meets Source Criticism
Provenance Meets Source Criticism (This is a slightly revised version of the paper from which I spoke at the AHA. I added links, references, a few images, and an introductory…
DH@WIT: Digital Humanities for Undergraduate Design, Engineering, and Management Students
DH@WIT: Digital Humanities for Undergraduate Design, Engineering, and Management Students Poster Download (PDF, ) Abstract Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT), an independent, co-educational, technical design and engineering college located in…
Visiting Fellows
Visiting Fellows Coming Soon… Go to Source
Nicole Brown
Nicole Brown I am a Lecturer in Education and Academic Head of Learning and Teaching at the UCL Institute of Education in London, UK, and doctoral researcher at the University of…
Cynthia Levine-Rasky
Cynthia Levine-Rasky A resident of Toronto, Cynthia Levine-Rasky is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Having written on critical whiteness studies for many…
Jennie Gubner
Jennie Gubner I am an ethnomusicologist interested in digital, multimodal, sensory and experiential approaches to ethnography currently working as a Visiting Lecturer at the Indiana University Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology.…
Leslie Robertson
Leslie Robertson Broadly, my research examines the circulation of forms of social knowledge (public histories, academic theories and representations, colonial legends, medical discourses), in sensitive political and cultural contexts (settler colonialism,…
Relying on Local Contexts to Foster and Thwart Black Student Academic Success: An Ethnographic Account of Teachers Fostering Academic Success for (Some) Black Students
Relying on Local Contexts to Foster and Thwart Black Student Academic Success: An Ethnographic Account of Teachers Fostering Academic Success for (Some) Black Students Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 97-120.…
The Emergence of Critical Presence Ethnography: Capturing the Ripples of Self in Educational Contexts
The Emergence of Critical Presence Ethnography: Capturing the Ripples of Self in Educational Contexts Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 121-139. Abstract The purpose of this chapter is to propose a…
(Critical) Educational Ethnography: Methodological Premise and Pedagogical Objectives
(Critical) Educational Ethnography: Methodological Premise and Pedagogical Objectives Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 141-163. Abstract In this chapter, we propose a blended methodological approach (critical) educational ethnography, to address problems…
A Critical Ethnographic Approach to Transforming Norms of Whiteness in Marginalized Parents’ Engagement and Activism in Schools
A Critical Ethnographic Approach to Transforming Norms of Whiteness in Marginalized Parents’ Engagement and Activism in Schools Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 165-192. Abstract While scholars recognize that parent engagement…
Ethnography as Subject, Ethnography as Object: Experimenting with Research in a College Writing Classroom
Ethnography as Subject, Ethnography as Object: Experimenting with Research in a College Writing Classroom Studies in Educational Ethnography, Page 193-212. Abstract This chapter examines the practical and conceptual limitations and…
Cultivating ambivalence: Methodological considerations for anthropology
Cultivating ambivalence: Methodological considerations for anthropology Anthropologists’ longstanding ambivalence toward political advocacy has, in recent years, come under sustained fire—a shift that is often framed in terms of the discipline’s…
Contradictions A comment on Kierans, Ciara, and Kirsten Bell. 2017. “Cultivating ambivalence.” Hau Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2): 23–44. Go to Source
Beauty and the beast (The 2011 R. R. Marett Memorial Lecture)
Beauty and the beast (The 2011 R. R. Marett Memorial Lecture) This paper describes the notion of “beauty” as a socially constructed value among the Kayapo of the Brazilian Amazon…
On jaguars and fish
On jaguars and fish Comment on Turner, Terence. 2017. “Beauty and the beast: The fearful symmetry of the jaguar and other natural beings in Kayapo ritual and myth.” Hau: Journal…
Violence from beyond
Violence from beyond Comment on Turner, Terence. 2017. “Beauty and the beast: The fearful symmetry of the jaguar and other natural beings in Kayapo ritual and myth.” Hau: Journal of…
How Strangers Initiate Conversations: Interactions on Public Trains in Germany
How Strangers Initiate Conversations: Interactions on Public Trains in Germany Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Voices from the “Heart”: Understanding a Community-Engaged Festival in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
Voices from the “Heart”: Understanding a Community-Engaged Festival in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source