From the Long Arm of the State to Eyes on the Street: How Poor African American Mothers Navigate Surveillance in the Social Safety Net

From the Long Arm of the State to Eyes on the Street: How Poor African American Mothers Navigate Surveillance in the Social Safety Net Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of…
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Thrice-born and in-between? Exploring the Différance between “At-home” ethnography and ethnography abroad

Thrice-born and in-between? Exploring the Différance between “At-home” ethnography and ethnography abroad Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 106-113, July 2018. Go to Source
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Corporal destinies: Faith, ethno-nationalism, and raw talent in Fijian professional rugby aspirations

Corporal destinies: Faith, ethno-nationalism, and raw talent in Fijian professional rugby aspirations Many young itaukei (indigenous) Fijian men train daily in the hope of becoming professional rugby athletes, despite the…
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Soybean, bricks, dollars, and the reality of money: Multiple monies during currency exchange restrictions in Argentina (2011–15)

Soybean, bricks, dollars, and the reality of money: Multiple monies during currency exchange restrictions in Argentina (2011–15) This article aims to show that the properties of money are temporally and…
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Ordinary possibility, transcendent immanence, and responsive ethics: A philosophical anthropology of the small event

Ordinary possibility, transcendent immanence, and responsive ethics: A philosophical anthropology of the small event Based upon long-term fieldwork among African American families in Los Angeles, this article offers a phenomenological…
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