Divining, testing, and the problem of accountability
Divining, testing, and the problem of accountability Rejoinder to Whyte, Sue Reynolds, Michael Whyte, and David Kyanddondo. 2018. “Technologies of inquiry: HIV tests and divination.” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory…
Beyond ethics: Conscience, pacifism, and the political in wartime Britain
Beyond ethics: Conscience, pacifism, and the political in wartime Britain The central intervention of this article concerns the contingency of the relationship between ethics and politics. The empirical focus is…
Electoral ripples: The social life of lies and mistrust in an Indian village election
Electoral ripples: The social life of lies and mistrust in an Indian village election Anthropologists who study elections tend to restrict their analysis to the run-up to and conduct of…
Toward a new humanism: An approach from philosophical anthropology
Toward a new humanism: An approach from philosophical anthropology In this introduction to the special section, we revisit the case of humanism, including some challenges to its outworn and problematic…
One world anthropology
One world anthropology Anthropology is a philosophical inquiry into the conditions and possibilities of life in the one world we all inhabit. That this world is indeed one is a…
Culture, consent and confidentiality in workplace autoethnography
Culture, consent and confidentiality in workplace autoethnography Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the author’s experiences as a school teacher…
Service and leadership in the university: duoethnography as transformation
Service and leadership in the university: duoethnography as transformation Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to use duoethnography to explore experiences of…
The real ontological challenge
The real ontological challenge Rejoinder to Willerslev, Rane, and Christian Suhr. 2018. “Is there a place for faith in anthropology? Religion, reason, and the ethnographer’s divine revelation.” Hau: Journal of…
God is other(s): Anthropological pietism and the beings of metamorphosis
God is other(s): Anthropological pietism and the beings of metamorphosis Rejoinder to Willerslev, Rane, and Christian Suhr. 2018. “Is there a place for faith in anthropology? Religion, reason, and the…
The absence of the divine
The absence of the divine Rejoinder to Willerslev, Rane, and Christian Suhr. 2018. “Is there a place for faith in anthropology? Religion, reason, and the ethnographer’s divine revelation.” Hau: Journal…
Faith in anthropology
Faith in anthropology Response to rejoinders to Willerslev, Rane, and Christian Suhr. 2018 “Is there a place for faith in anthropology? Religion, reason, and the ethnographer’s divine revelation.” Hau: Journal…
Technologies of inquiry: HIV tests and divination
Technologies of inquiry: HIV tests and divination HIV testing and divination are both performances that offer access to privileged knowledge about grave problems. In comparing this relatively new technology with…
It makes you make the time: ‘Obligatory’ leisure, work intensification and allotment gardening
It makes you make the time: ‘Obligatory’ leisure, work intensification and allotment gardening Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
No girls allowed?: Fluctuating boundaries between gay men and straight women in gay public space
No girls allowed?: Fluctuating boundaries between gay men and straight women in gay public space Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
The journalist’s new job: Digital technologies and the reader-less quality of contemporary news production
The journalist’s new job: Digital technologies and the reader-less quality of contemporary news production Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Articulating displacement: Sierra Leonean Muslim dress practice and the aesthetics of negotiation
Articulating displacement: Sierra Leonean Muslim dress practice and the aesthetics of negotiation Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
Perspectives on affordances, or the anthropologically real: The 2018 Daryll Forde Lecture
Perspectives on affordances, or the anthropologically real: The 2018 Daryll Forde Lecture Anthropology is defined by the vast scope of its concerns. We often forget to ask, however, what makes…
Back to the future with the theory of affordances
Back to the future with the theory of affordances Rejoinder to Keane, Webb. 2018. “Perspectives on affordances, or the anthropologically real.” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 8 (1): 27–38 Go…
A minimalist ontology, with other people in it
A minimalist ontology, with other people in it Response to rejoinder to Keane, Webb. 2018. “Perspectives on affordances, or the anthropologically real.” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 8 (1): 27–38…
Are anthropologists monsters? An Andean dystopian critique of extractivist ethnography and Anglophone-centric anthropology
Are anthropologists monsters? An Andean dystopian critique of extractivist ethnography and Anglophone-centric anthropology The article departs from an ethnographic experience involving the kharisiri, a dystopian, fat-stealing monster of the Bolivian…