A time of peace: Divergent temporalities in Jewish–Palestinian peace initiatives
A time of peace: Divergent temporalities in Jewish–Palestinian peace initiatives
This article considers the conflicting temporal models of peace among Jewish Israelis, specifically between liberal Zionists who populate the traditional peace camp, and the broader population that largely ignores or opposes such initiatives. We compare the mainstream peace process with budding alternative non-liberal peace initiatives on one issue—the relative importance of a signed peace agreement—to explore diverging visions of temporal progression as they relate to the shared value of peace. The article claims that peace initiatives emerging from the liberal worldview reflect a vision in which the transition to peace will be a concrete temporal event, and that the horizon of peace is achievable, qualitative, and permanent. By contrast, the non-liberal initiatives reflect a belief that peace is modular and relative, that the transition to peace is inherently gradual, never to be fully achieved, dynamic, and impermanent.