“We All Play Pretty Much the Same, Except. . .”: Gender-Integrated Quidditch and the Persistence of Essentialist Ideology

“We All Play Pretty Much the Same, Except. . .”: Gender-Integrated Quidditch and the Persistence of Essentialist Ideology Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Volume 51, Issue 3, Page 347-375, June 2022.…
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Towards a politics of collaborative worldmaking: ethics, epistemologies and mutual positionalities in conflict research

Towards a politics of collaborative worldmaking: ethics, epistemologies and mutual positionalities in conflict research Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Scholarly engagement with ethics, epistemologies and positionalities dilemmas in conflict research is…
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The Mental Life of a Telephone Pole and Other Trifles: Affective Practices in the Context of Research Funding

The Mental Life of a Telephone Pole and Other Trifles: Affective Practices in the Context of Research Funding Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article uses ethnographic social…
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