Norm-Critical Teaching in Practice? An Observational Study of a Campus-Based Clinical Learning Environment in Nursing Education
Norm-Critical Teaching in Practice? An Observational Study of a Campus-Based Clinical Learning Environment in Nursing Education Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Nursing education plays a pivotal role in…
Being invited. Ethics in participant-researcher relationships
Being invited. Ethics in participant-researcher relationships Ethnography, Ahead of Print. This article examines the act of ‘being invited’ by research participants to explore asymmetrical power relations and research ethics in…
You can never go “home” again: reflections on the emotional impact of home ethnography
You can never go “home” again: reflections on the emotional impact of home ethnography You can never go “home” again: reflections on the emotional impact of home ethnographyAngela MazzettiJournal of Organizational Ethnography,…
Constructing responsibility: Infrastructural harm, citizen oversight and the politics of publics
Constructing responsibility: Infrastructural harm, citizen oversight and the politics of publics Ethnography, Ahead of Print. While concepts such as infrastructure and assemblage can make it difficult for scholars to locate…
Unconventional pathways: an autoethnographic exploration of nontraditional academic journeys
Unconventional pathways: an autoethnographic exploration of nontraditional academic journeys Unconventional pathways: an autoethnographic exploration of nontraditional academic journeysÖzge YanikogluJournal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, this study, I employ an autoethnographic approach to…
One profile, five stories an autoethnography of sense-making and meaning-making of a personality profile
One profile, five stories an autoethnography of sense-making and meaning-making of a personality profile One profile, five stories an autoethnography of sense-making and meaning-making of a personality profileCarine Metselaar, Eva de Hullu, Maarten DerksenJournal of Organizational…
Book review: The Interloper
Book review: The Interloper Book review: The InterloperMike Rowe, Harry WelsJournal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 13, No. 3, Go to Source
Book review: Microbial battlefields of life and death
Book review: Microbial battlefields of life and death Book review: Microbial battlefields of life and deathHarry Wels, Mike RoweJournal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 13, No. 3, Go to Source
Book review: Triumph and pitfalls of political newcomers
Book review: Triumph and pitfalls of political newcomers Book review: Triumph and pitfalls of political newcomersAlexis LaszczukJournal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 13, No. 3, Go to Source
Unpacking the gendered nature of police work in India
Unpacking the gendered nature of police work in India Unpacking the gendered nature of police work in IndiaAshwin Varghese, Aishwarya RajeevJournal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, paper aims to examine…
Cleaning up shaʿbi: Music and class-cultural divides in cairo
Cleaning up shaʿbi: Music and class-cultural divides in cairo Ethnography, Ahead of Print. Egyptian shaʿbi music is typically positioned as a somewhat vulgar style produced and consumed by the working-class…
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In the name of the (God) father: The unnameable name
In the name of the (God) father: The unnameable name Ethnography, Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 449-465, December 2024. The article provides an answer to fundamental questions of what qualifies…
In honorary of Peter Geschiere, articulation of reproduction: Parents, daughters, and education in north Cameroonian society
In honorary of Peter Geschiere, articulation of reproduction: Parents, daughters, and education in north Cameroonian society Ethnography, Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 466-485, December 2024. As Peter Geschiere focussed in…
‘A debt never dies’: Navigating trust and betrayal in southeastern Nigeria
‘A debt never dies’: Navigating trust and betrayal in southeastern Nigeria Ethnography, Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 486-504, December 2024. In southeastern Nigeria, Igbo-speaking people commonly assert that “a debt…
The rule of the anus? Queer imaginaries of power in central Africa
The rule of the anus? Queer imaginaries of power in central Africa Ethnography, Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 505-522, December 2024. Peter Geschiere’s most recent writings have come to attend,…
Witchcraft as a case of ethnographic murk: Impasse of knowledge, harshness of experience
Witchcraft as a case of ethnographic murk: Impasse of knowledge, harshness of experience Ethnography, Volume 25, Issue 4, Page 428-448, December 2024. Witchcraft has been described as knowledge that resists…
Reading between the bricks
Reading between the bricks Go to Source
Writing in the DRC: The creation of Mandombe, an African alphabet
Writing in the DRC: The creation of Mandombe, an African alphabet Go to Source
The invention of Inventing an African alphabet: Notes on the backstage of the production of anthropological knowledge
The invention of Inventing an African alphabet: Notes on the backstage of the production of anthropological knowledge Go to Source