Rethinking the anthropological enterprise in light of Muslim ontologies: Secular vestiges, spiritual epistemologies, vertical knowledge

Rethinking the anthropological enterprise in light of Muslim ontologies: Secular vestiges, spiritual epistemologies, vertical knowledge Because of the difficulty anthropology continues to face in relinquishing its secular vestiges, field encounters…
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Voicing God’s presence: Qurʾānic recitation, Sufi ontologies, and the theatro-graphic experience

Voicing God’s presence: Qurʾānic recitation, Sufi ontologies, and the theatro-graphic experience This article examines Qurʾānic recitation as a modality of divine presence among Bā ʿAlawī Sufis in Tarīm (Yemen) and…
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Staying behind: Divine presence, virtuous emplacement, and sabr at the end of life among older Kyrgyz Muslims

Staying behind: Divine presence, virtuous emplacement, and sabr at the end of life among older Kyrgyz Muslims Drawing on fieldwork among older Kyrgyz people who become old in the absence…
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A duoethnography: female academics’ experiences of gendered health issues at the intersection of middlescence, ethnic origin, social and professional status in the neoliberal academy

A duoethnography: female academics’ experiences of gendered health issues at the intersection of middlescence, ethnic origin, social and professional status in the neoliberal academy A duoethnography: female academics’ experiences of…
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Boundary work: a conceptual frame for workplace ethnographies in collaborative settings

Boundary work: a conceptual frame for workplace ethnographies in collaborative settings Boundary work: a conceptual frame for workplace ethnographies in collaborative settingsMichael Fehsenfeld, Sofie Buch Mejsner, Helle Terkildsen Maindal, Viola…
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