Baipurangi’s dreams: The interface between ethnography and psychoanalysis in the work of Lucien Sebag
Baipurangi’s dreams: The interface between ethnography and psychoanalysis in the work of Lucien Sebag Lucien Sebag’s “Analysis of the dreams of a Guayaki Indian woman” appeared in Les Temps modernes …
The gift in India
The gift in India This article is a previously unpublished conference talk on the use made by Marcel Mauss, in his essay on the gift, of sources in Sanskrit from…
Divine kings and the “breath of men” (The 1959 Frazer Lecture)
Divine kings and the “breath of men” (The 1959 Frazer Lecture) This article is a reprint of Wilson, Monica. 1959. “‘Divine kings’ and the breath of men.” The Frazer Lecture,…
Analysis of the dreams of a Guayaki Indian woman
Analysis of the dreams of a Guayaki Indian woman The following is a translation of Lucien Sebag’s “Analyse des rêves d’une Indienne Guayaki,” originally printed in Les Temps modernes, CCXVII,…
Toward an anthropology of intersubjectivity
Toward an anthropology of intersubjectivity Comment on Duranti, Alessandro. 2015. The anthropology of intentions: Language in a world of others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
Action Response to comments on Enfield, N. J., and Jack Sidnell. 2017. The concept of action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
The narrative sense of others
The narrative sense of others Comment on Duranti, Alessandro. 2015. The anthropology of intentions: Language in a world of others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
How to distinguish a wink from a twitch
How to distinguish a wink from a twitch Comment on Duranti, Alessandro. 2015. The anthropology of intentions: Language in a world of others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
In and out of intersubjective attunement
In and out of intersubjective attunement Response to comments on Duranti, Alessandro. 2015. The anthropology of intentions: Language in a world of others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
Godfrey Lienhardt as a skeptic; or, Anthropology as conceptual puzzle-solving
Godfrey Lienhardt as a skeptic; or, Anthropology as conceptual puzzle-solving This article revolves around the observation that ethnographic classics like Godfrey Lienhardt’s Divinity and experience: The religion of the Dinka are…
Action and its parts
Action and its parts Comment on Enfield, N. J. and Jack Sidnell. 2017. The concept of action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
Indigenous peoples boxed in by Brazil’s political crisis
Indigenous peoples boxed in by Brazil’s political crisis Agribusiness has unprecedented leverage over highly unpopular Brazilian president Michel Temer, who is faced with several corruption charges and is struggling for…
Where is the local? Partial biologies, ethnographic sitings
Where is the local? Partial biologies, ethnographic sitings Where is the local for the ethnographer? A challenge facing anthropological interest in “local biologies” is that both biology and locality are…
Context effects
Context effects Comment on Enfield, N. J. and Jack Sidnell. 2017. The concept of action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Go to Source
What terms to use?
What terms to use? Response to comments on Kipnis, Andrew. “Governing the souls of Chinese modernity” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2): 217–238. Go to Source
Cyborg political machines: Political brokering and modern political campaigning in Colombia
Cyborg political machines: Political brokering and modern political campaigning in Colombia Colombian professional political consultants couple information technologies and local political brokering to circumvent strict voter privacy regulations that limit…
“Wasting time” the Veratan Way: Conspicuous leisure and the value of waiting in Fiji
“Wasting time” the Veratan Way: Conspicuous leisure and the value of waiting in Fiji This article explores time as a vehicle of values in Fiji through an analysis of abundant…
The virtualism of “capacity building” workshops in indigenous Amazonia: Ethnography in the new middle ground
The virtualism of “capacity building” workshops in indigenous Amazonia: Ethnography in the new middle ground Sustainable development and conservation NGOs in Amazonia often hold workshops in which they task indigenous…
Failing well: Accommodating vices in an ideal Vedic city
Failing well: Accommodating vices in an ideal Vedic city Since the early 1970s, the small town of Mayapur in West Bengal has been home to a multinational Gaudiya Vaishnava community…
Sacred necropolitics
Sacred necropolitics In this meditation, Anya Bernstein and Alexei Yurchak discuss Yurchak’s essay, “The canon and the mushroom: Lenin, sacredness, and Soviet collapse,” which is published in the current issue.…